Korean Beauty Brand MiiN
100% Korean research and development and manufacture of MiiN LED iMask, there are 7 different types of skin beauty energy light, which can achieve different effects such as firming and anti-aging, soothing sensitivity, whitening and brightening, removing acne and moisturizing, whether it is male or female All creams work together!

MiiN iMask
Just 10 minutes a day
iMask's 720 LEDs beats the industry standard by 3 times of LEDs. APP for iPhone or Andorid phone is avaible to customize settings that fits your needs.
Equipped with Auto Mode, it will use red light and blue light respectively to fight aging and oil problems for you.
In addition, you can also choose different functions such as sensitive skin, problem skin care, anti-oxidation, etc. Each mode will have more than one lamp suitable for you, which is very suitable for lazy people who don't want to choose!

LED Skincare for Neck
iNeck covers the chest as well as neck with 288 LED and 72 NIR
Red LED-Elasticity
Green LED-Tone-up
Blue LED-Sebum Control
iNeck beauty machine can achieve skin repair, brightening, firming and anti-aging functions
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微辣 - Doris
MiiN iMask美肌神器
微辣 - Rosalina
微辣 - Lok B
原來懶都可以靚,用韓國iMask LED mask喺屋企每日10分鐘就可以進行韓式皮膚管理,唔使出街唔使同他人接觸,既慳時間又衛生,至至至緊要係有效!
Youtubeer - A YUK
最近素顏都好有自信!皮膚變好嘅密碼武器! 用韓國iMask LED mask喺屋企每日10分鐘就可以進行韓式皮膚管理